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Love birds? I have thousands of unique bird gifts with my own bird paintings, drawings, tattoos, quotes, and photos of parrots, finches, chickens, etc for you. Each product will be freshly printed and made upon your order. Will ship worldwide from USA and Aussie.


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Pigeon sounds in different languages

A cute cartoon drawing of pigeon with many sounds that a pigeon say in different languages. Available as shirts, posters, cards, bags and many other merchandises. Please click one of the thumbnails below to buy the item you want. :)

Pigeon sounds in different languages Poster Pigeon sounds in different languages Mask Pigeon sounds in different languages Graphic T-Shirt Pigeon sounds in different languages Graphic T-Shirt Dress Pigeon sounds in different languages iPhone Case Pigeon sounds in different languages Tote Bag Pigeon sounds in different languages Greeting Card Share on Tumblr

What is a family?

This is a tribute for my birds, Pipi and Pepe. Pipi was a black-rumped munia finch who was also Pepe's nanny. Pepe was a black-masked lovebird. They are reunited in heaven now. I miss these two kids very much. They are my real family. Available as shirts, posters, books and many other merchandises. Please click one of the thumbnails below to buy the item you want. :)

What is a family? Poster What is a family? T-Shirt What is a family? T-Shirt What is a family? T-Shirt What is a family? Canvas Print What is a family? Hardcover Journal What is a family? Spiral Notebook Share on Tumblr
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